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Sundays 9:30 am Chapel Service
Tom Kopacek 
Monday-Friday 9:00 Water Aerobics
Tuesdays 6:30 Cards - Boardroom
Thursdays 12:00 Scrapbooking - Boardroom
Thursdays 7:00 Pool - Gameroom

APRIL 2024

April 13 - Part 1

April 27 - Part 2

Out Building Clean Up
Noon to 4:00pm
Contact: Sheldon Mathews

Place: Meet at the lodge
Volunteers are needed

MAY 2024

May 4

Tree Planting

9:00 am

Contact: Alan Vaillancourt 
Place: Meet at the lodge
Volunteers are needed


May 25 - Postponed

Take a Kid Fishing

9:00 am

Contact: Denny Kaufenberg and Todd Quien 

Place: CLRVR beach

Ages: Ability level


May 25

Bean Bag Tournament

1:00 pm

Contact: Joe Peterson

Place: Ball Field  

Ages: Ability level


May 25


7:00-10:00 pm

Contact: DJ Ralph

Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody

May 25

Kids Club

10:00 am

Contact: Jennifer Carlson, Renee Thordson, and Rachel Radermacher 

Place: In front of chapel

Ages: Anybody


May 26

Horseshoe Tournament

1:00 pm

Contact: Tom Kopacek

Place: Horseshoe Pit 

Ages: Ability level


May 27

Pancake Breakfast

8:30-10:30 am

Contact: Dustin Radermacher and Reuben Carlson

Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody

JUNE 2024

June 8

CLRVR Annual Meeting

Voting: 7:00-9:00 am

Meeting: 9:00 am

Contact: BOD

Place: Red Barn

Ages: All members

June 15

Mandala Dot Painting

12:30-3:30 pm

Contact: Pamela Pringle

Place: Boardroom

Advanced Beginners

June 22

Zumba Class

10:00-11:00 am

Contact: Michelle Johnson Kiefer

Place: Tennis Court


June 29

Kids Club Foam Party

10:30 am

Contact: Jennifer Carlson, Renee Thordson, and Rachel Radermacher 

Place: Ball Field 

Ages: Anybody

June 20


5:00 pm


Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody

JULY 2024

July 5

Stars on the Hill

10:30-11:30 am

Contact: Kids Club

Place: Next to Red Barn

Ages: Anybody


July 6

Garage Sale

8:00 am - 1:00 pm


Place: On sites

Ages: Anybody


July 6

Bean Bag Tournament

12:00 pm

Contact: Joe Peterson

Place: Ball Field

Ages: Ability level


July 6

Food Truck

4:00-8:00 pm


Place: Ball Field

Ages: Anybody


July 6

Movie Night

Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile
At dusk 
Contact: Rae Radermacher
Place: Ball Field
Ages: Anybody


July 7

Pancake Breakfast

8:30-10:30 am

Contact: Dustin Radermacher and Reuben Carlson

Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody

​July 7

Golf Cart Parade

1:00 pm


Place: At the lodge 

Ages: Anybody


July 13

Zumba Class

10:00-11:00 am

Contact: Michelle Johnson Kiefer

Place: Tennis Court



July 18


5:00 pm


Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody


July 20

Kids Glow Party

Time: 8:00 pm

Contact: Renee Thordson, Jennifer Carlson, Rea Radermacher

Place: Pool 

Ages: All children


July 20

Picture Scavenger Hunt

1:00 pm

Contact: Gail Jensen 212 & Todd Quien 424

Place: Meet at the office to start the hunt

Ages: Anybody




August 3 (Cancelled)

Zumba Class

10:00-11:00 am

Contact: Michelle Johnson Kiefer

Place: Tennis Court



August 10

Movie Night

The Classic Little Rascals
At dusk 
Contact: Rae Radermacher
Place: Ball Field
Ages: Anybody


August 10

Kids Kickball

11:00 am

Contact: Todd Quien

Place: Ball Field

Ages: Ability level 


August 10

East & West Softball

1:00 pm


Place: Ball Field

Ages: Ability level 


August 15


5:00 pm


Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody


August 16

Pork Chop Dinner (Cokato Lake Association)

6:00 pm


Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anyone who desires to support the Lake Association

​​August 16

Lake Assoc. Meeting

7:00 pm


Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anyone who desires to participate


August 17

Haunted House

8:15-9:00 pm kids friendly

9:15-10:00 pm adults

Contact: Deb Neiman

Place: Tennis Court

Ages: Anybody

Help is needed - Lot 322


August 17

Halloween Kids Custom Contest

2:00 pm


Place: Ball Field

Ages: All children 


August 17

Halloween Trick & Treat

3:00-4:30 pm


Place: CLRVR

Ages: All children​


August 17

Food Truck

4:00-8:00 pm


Place: Ball Field

Ages: Anybody


August 17


7:00-10 pm

Contact: DJ Ralph

Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody

​August 24

Golf Outing (Cancelled)

9:30 am
Contact: Tammy Anderson 
Place: Cokato Town & Country Course
$35/person (pay in advance) - $15 golf - $10 cart - $10 lunch
Ages: Ability level 


August 24

Kids Club - Foam Party

10:30-11:30 am
Contact: Jennifer Carlson, Renee Thordson, and Rachel Radermacher 
Place: Ball Field
Ages: Anybody may participate


August 31

Kids Bingo

10:30 am


Place: Red Barn

Ages: All children 


August 31

Face Painter 

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

After Kids Bingo


August 31

Bean Bag Tournament

1:00 pm

Contact: Joe Peterson

Place: Ball Field

Ages: Ability level 


August 31


7:00-10:00 pm

Contact: Bingo Band

Place: Outside if weather permitting

Ages: Anybody


September 1

Horseshoe Tournament

1:00 pm

Contact: Tom Kopacek

Place: Horseshoe Pit 

Ages: Ability level


September 1

Soup/Chili Contest

5:00 pm


Place: Red Barn

Ages: Ability level


September 2

Pancake Breakfast

8:30-10:30 am

Contact: Dustin Radermacher and Reuben Carlson

Place: Red Barn

Ages: Anybody

Amazing Halloween Weekend!

A special "Thank You" to volunteers who made the Halloween event a blast!

Dennis and Debbie Nieman, Pete Keller, Paul and Deb, Tom Kenny, Timon Fitzpatrick, Christa Fitzpatrick, Amelia Fitzpatrick, Loressa Hartman, Lara Hanson, Tim Kadrlik, Melissa Kadrlik, Cori Kadlrik, Sue McNier, Gary McNier, Matt Birkholz, Brittney Birkholz, Cabella Birkholz, Alea Nieman, Kiley Davis, Paityn Davis, and Amparo González. 

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